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District Heating in 8 Residential Buildings in Kecskemét Modernised and Energy-efficient Operation Achieved with EU Funding12 August 2010

Energy efficient, environment-friendly and able to adjust to individual needs. That is the main idea behind the development implemented by Kecskeméti Termostar Hőszolgáltató Ltd, with funding from the European Union. The investment cost 144 million HUF, 50% of which was financed by the EU.

The company replaced the 212/A type consumer (block) heat substations with 16 pre-manufactured heat substations. With these facilities the residents’ individual needs can be met. Especially during the transitional periods (in spring and autumn) it will be of great importance that the district heating service can be launched or discontinued based on individual needs. Only residents linked to the same heat substation (usually 2 blocks of houses) depend on each other.

At the same time, the large obsolete secondary pipe system, which used to supply hot water for heating and general use in the consumer heat substations, was replaced by a smaller, two-pipe primary system with high-quality heat insulation.

Individual control for each building supports individual needs and transitional periods, which also results in cost-savings for both the residents and Kecskeméti Termostar Ltd.

The buildings served are in Pákozdi csata, March 15th, Irinyi and Forradalom streets. In the framework of this project, the heat-reception rooms were transformed into consumer heat substations. New variable volume flow pumps and control valves, compact heat substation units containing ultrasound-based heat meters, as well as expansion and hot water containers were built into the present heat reception rooms. As a result of the technical reconstruction, secondary systems operating with great heat loss were replaced, leading to reduced heat loss and electricity usage. The result of the projects is that the national economy can save 6536 GJ/year in primary energy sources and greenhouse gas emission can be reduced by 387 tons annually.