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Development in the West Pannon Region23 August 2010

Several projects have been or are now being implemented in the West Pannon region with EU funding. Seven towns have signed assistance contracts for urban rehabilitation projects.

The industrial park in Mosonmagyaróvár has been reconstructed, streets have been renovated in Szombathely, a branch office development project has been implemented in Keszthely, the Goat church in Sopron is to be renovated and the sewage treatment system in Zalaapáti will also be implemented. In addition, the Nádasdy-Széchenyi castle in Egervár is to be renovated, the sports centre of Répcelak will be reconstructed, and the reconstruction of the railway station of Körmend can also be continued. The total cost of these projects amounts to almost 8 billion HUF, with a total EU funding of over 5.6 billion HUF.

Assistance contracts for urban centre development were signed with Hévíz, Keszthely, Zalaszentgrót, Körmend, Mosonmagyaróvár, Répcelak and Lenti. These towns can renew their inner areas with EU funding of 3.6 billion HUF. The total cost of these investments exceeds 4.8 billion HUF. The main aim of these urban rehabilitation projects is the retention of the local population and improvement in their quality of life. Further goals include a more attractive living environment and improvement of the range and quality of local services.

The local government of Zalaapáti can implement the sewage management for both Zalaapáti and Bókaháza with an EU funding of 197 million HUF. The aim of the project is to reduce the pollution of the Zala water catchment area due to communal waste, replacing the old treatment facility with a new one. The new facility will treat the sewage of 487 households.

The local government of Egervár received EU support of 491 million HUF for the development of the Nádasdy-Széchenyi castle. The assistance contract concerning this project was signed by the representatives of the local government on Friday. As a result of the project, a new tourist attraction has been added, enhancing Hungary’s unique cultural and environmental assets. The late renaissance of the 16th and 17th century will be presented in the castle providing cultural experience, knowledge, recreation and quality leisure time.

The 50 million HUF development of the Körmend railway station received 45 million HUF in European funding; the related assistance contract was signed on Wednesday. The aim of the project is the renewal of the architectural assets of the station built in 1872, the creation of a passenger-oriented reception area and thus the improvement of the townscape.

A kick-off event was held recently for the project aimed at the reconstruction of the Goat church and monastery in Sopron. The project is aimed at the preservation of the cultural heritage and the creation and expansion of visitor-oriented tourism services. The EU funding amounts to approximately 165 million HUF, the total cost of the project is 200 million HUF.

The sport centre of Répcelak with a total budget of 44 million HUF received EU funding amounting to 40 million Forints. The successful project is aimed at developing the sports field and its environment.

Recently the project closure ceremony of the business premises development project of the entrepreneur István Fatér took place in Keszthely. Mr. Fatér received a grant of 13 million HUF for the reconstruction of his premises. His business is involved in the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of water pipes, gas pipes and heating systems, as well as the construction of external drainage systems and public utilities. The total budget of the investment was 30 million HUF. 

The reconstruction of the industrial park in Mosonmagyaróvár has finished. In the framework of the 533 million HUF project, the road, electricity and sewage system was implemented in the area. The European Union funded the project with 198 million HUF.

The renewal and function-expansion of the Szombathely town centre received EU funding of 876 million HUF; the total cost of the project amounts to 1.49 billion HUF. Part of the project: Kőszegi, Király and Szent Márton streets, were officially handed over on Thursday.