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Work on the Centre of Balatonfüred Continues on EU Grant21 October 2010

In the framework of the Central Transdanubia Operational Programme Balatonfüred received another EU grant for the renewal of its town centre. A project of over 853 million HUF can now start as a result of the successful application.

The local government of Balatonfüred received an EU grant of over 629 million HUF for the further rehabilitation of its town centre. In the framework of “Füred for the residents of Füred – Rehabilitation of the town centre” five buildings are to be renewed. After its renovation, the Pálóczi Mansion (currently housing the Ferencsik János School of Music) will welcome children participating in art training in a harmonious environment, with an external appearance befitting its fame. The Red School building will acquire a new function after the renovation: it will operate as a community centre. One of the core elements of the grant is the renewal of the Market Hall. The heating system of the hall will be upgraded with solar panels and the building will be made entirely obstacle-free. In the framework of the project the buildings of the mayor’s office will be renewed and accessibility ensured. In addition to the upgrade of the building to improve energy efficiency, it will also be made asbestos-free, wherever necessary.

Public spaces will be reborn in Balatonfüred as a result of the development. The ratio of green areas will be increased, two parks and the banks of the creek will be beautified. A promenade will be constructed towards Kovászna Park and landscaping works will be carried out on the banks of Kéki Creek.

The project also involves the establishment of a roundabout at the junction of Ady Endre utca, Kossuth utca and Arácsi út, and the pavements will be repaired.

It is intended to strengthen environment consciousness and local identity awareness by organising cultural and adult education events; this aim is supplemented by a publication about the project.

So far there have been three winning projects in the grant of the Central Transdanubia Operational Programme “Establishment and value-preserving rehabilitation of (sub)centres in communities”. In addition to Balatonfüred the towns of Tapolca and Komárom are to receive support. The sum of the EU funding for winning applications exceeds 2 billion HUF.