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Green Investment Scheme Portal Launched2011. június 10.

In the beginning of June the Ministry of National Development launched a portal as a thematic subpage of the government site to introduce the Green Investment Scheme (ZBR). Visitors of are informed about the practice of quota sales, can read about actual events, and can find the latest news and tender opportunities.

Hungary is among the first countries to set up and launch an energy efficiency and building engineering programme financed by carbon dioxide quota sales. The Green Investment Scheme was devised after in 2008 Hungary sold a part of its unused carbon dioxide quota of the quota allocated by the Kyoto Protocol. Hungary spends all quota sales revenues on climate protection purposes.

The main goal of ZBR is to ensure that investment funds are all spent on measurable, quantifiable and certified greenhouse gas emission reduction. Supporting investments that result in effective and considerable emission reduction is also a national interest, as this contributes to the fight against climate change, helps to reduce energy consumption, and as a result Hungary's energy dependency can be mitigated.

The subpage contains information among others on the legal framework and the organization of the Green Investment Scheme, gives an introduction to the previous and planned ZBR subprogrammes, exemplary projects, and offers tender opportunities.