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Quick Results Encourage Enterprises to Submit Tenders2011. június 16.

Great interest is shown for the programmes of New Széchenyi Plan primarily by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and the willingness to tender is becoming stronger and stronger. Since 1 March, when economic development tenders were opened, 2,541 tender proposals have been submitted.

614 tender proposals have already been approved, proving the processing speed increase of the institutional system.

As a token of trust for the New Széchenyi Plan, small enterprises that never applied for grants were successfully involved in the new type of support programmes.

A project visit was paid to one of the first winners of New Széchenyi Plan's tenders, Barnabás Nesó, CEO of Nesó Bt. He was congratulated by Márta Talabér, MP for Berhida, Ignác Siba, Head of the Managing Authority for Economic Development Programmes of the National Development Agency, and Gyula Barta E., CEO of MAG – Hungarian Economic Development Centre Zrt. The microenterprise, providing an own contribution of 10%, won HUF 3 million of non-repayable grant from the New Széchenyi Plan, and besides that it also received HUF 3 million of microcredit with considerably more favourable terms than those of the credits available on the market.

The possibility to tender for the new grants combined with microcredit proved to be extremely popular with microenterprises: in three months 596 micro and small enterprises submitted grant requests to the intermediaries using the simplified procedure, and more than 25% have already received the certificate of support.

At the project visit Ignác Siba, Head of the Managing Authority for Economic Development Programmes  said that there was a swift increase regarding New Széchenyi Plan's calls for tenders. Carefully considered calls for tenders that concentrate on development goals won the trust of enterprises, and greatly contribute to the implementation of job creation goals.

Gyula Barta E., CEO of MAG Zrt highlighted that the large number of tender proposals submitted showed the success of the reduced administrative burdens and the simplified tender announcements. Customer response shows that shorter evaluation times and the new financing scheme (grant combined with credit) offer considerable help for Hungarian enterprises.

The family business selected as a successful tenderer in the framework of the ‘Microenterprise development’ tender operates a woodworking workshop in Berhida. They build roofs and roofing, work as joiners and also make furniture. The Veszprém County business will invest the fund won in a new, modern, combined circular saw/miller. The company is expecting to see a rise in orders and quality improvement of their work as a result of the technological development, and plans to increase the number of employees.
Further information on the New Széchenyi Plan's tenders is available at and at the New Széchenyi Plan Infopoints throughout the country.