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Energy Efficiency Programmes Started for the Population and the SME Sector2011. július 14.

As part of New Széchenyi Plan's Green Investment Scheme the Ministry of National Development will announce calls for tenders of HUF 1.6 billion for energy efficiency renovations and the construction of new energy saving homes.

The Our home renovation and new home construction subprogramme will be financed by international carbon dioxide quota sales. ‘Moreover, as a part of the Economic Development Operational Programme (GOP), sources of HUF 9 billion will be opened for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to help them increase the efficiency of energy and raw material use,’ announced János Bencsik State Secretary for Climate and Energy in Balassagyarmat on 13 July 2011.

Natural persons and communities can submit tenders for the complex energy efficiency modernization of buildings constructed before 1992 using traditional building technologies. Activities eligible for support include: replacement of doors and windows, thermal insulation of facades and ceilings, renovation and modification of heating and hot water supply systems operated from a traditional energy source, and activities to facilitate the use of renewable energy. For these purposes a maximum of HUF 3–5 million can be won by tendering per flat in case of a minimum energy saving of 50–60%. Grants can cover up to 40–50% of the total value of the investment. The investment must result in an improvement of a minimum of three categories of energy efficiency of the resident building, and the building must reach at least level B.

The aim of the support for new homes is to make buildings reach A or A+ energy level. Tenderers (natural persons and building companies) can receive grants of HUF 40,000–60,000 per square meter, but not more than HUF 4–6 million per housing unit. Activities eligible for support are identical to those for renovations. Support is non-repayable and involves ex-post financing in each case. Tenders can be submitted from 15 August 2011 to 30 October 2011 or until the budget is depleted. The call for tenders of the Our home renovation and new home construction subprogramme, the Tender guide and its annexes are available on the webpage of Energy Centre Nonprofit Ltd (

János Bencsik said that according to a recently published study of EBRD, Hungary was closing to the world leaders regarding the transition to low carbon emission economy, but there were still numerous tasks to be done. Improving the energy efficiency of the Hungarian building stock on the one hand decreases overhead costs, and on the other hand contributes to a stronger demand on the internal market. A revolution of energy industry and energy economy is in progress in the world – as a consequence handling climate and energy policy as priorities is important not only for financial reasons, but also for economic development. Besides keeping pace with the progress of technology, maintaining market competitiveness is also at stake, and therefore separate cohesion programmes have to help Hungarian small enterprises. The direct aim of the GOP call for tenders is to contribute to environmental mitigation through technological developments at companies, and to systematically implement sustainability considerations to the production decisions of companies.

The State Secretary also indicated that a tendering scheme for the acquisition and installation of solar energy driven hot water supply equipment was in the phase of expert consultations. The tender for single-family houses and multi-household buildings with a maximum of 12 flats is expected to be opened in Q3 with total sources amounting to HUF 3 billion.