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The government supports the employment of disadvantaged people through the New Széchenyi Plan2011. július 21.

The target group of the priority programme of the New Széchenyi Plan primarily consists of new entrants to the labour market, low-skilled people, the age group above 50, people returning to the labour market from child-care allowance, child-care fee or care allowance, and the permanently unemployed. At least 15% of the amount used will be utilised to help the Roma population, in cooperation with the National Roma Local Government.

The budget of the priority programme to be implemented between 2011 and 2015 is HUF 60 billion, being sufficient to provide new job opportunities for approximately 60–70 thousand people. Through the two projects of the Social Renewal Operational Programme (SROP) the government plans to provide actual employment for about 49 thousand people and training for 35 thousand job seekers.

In order to increase employment it is important to provide training opportunities for disadvantaged people that help them become competitive on the labour market. In the lack of such training they would not be able to permanently stay in employment after successfully finding a job and could easily become unemployed once again.
The project supports the employment of low-skilled people, people with obsolete skills, the new entrants to the labour market, people returning from child-care allowance or child-care fee, people receiving social allowance, people endangered by permanent unemployment and people above the age of 50. This latest group receives a special attention, since more than one-fifth of the registered unemployed belong to this age group; HUF 17 billion is allocated from the SROP for supporting them, thus more than 17 thousand people of this group may find new jobs.
Apart from supporting the disadvantaged, the programme is also aimed at supporting enterprises. The call for tenders encourages the employers to provide employment for people in difficult situation, and also provides resources for reducing bureaucratic burdens. The beneficial conditions for enterprises will hopefully contribute to strengthening the confidence of foreign investors, and thus to further economic growth.