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Another 201 Tenderers were Approved as Part of the Green Investment System Climate-friendly Home Subprogramme2011. május 12.

On 9 May 2011 201 tender proposals were approved based on the proposals of the awarding committee in the Green Investment System Climate-friendly Home Subprogramme. As a result of this decision, the Government has allocated funds of HUF 379 million to the supported tenders.

On the same date the committee made a decision on the necessity of  contract amendment in case of 10 already assessed tender proposals, and the support amount was modified for 41 tenders.

Green Investment System Climate-friendly Home Energy Efficiency Subprogramme, financed by international carbon dioxide emission quota trading income, opened tenders for the modernization of resident buildings built with traditional methods, and the construction of new, energy efficient buildings. Deadline for submitting tenders was 30 October 2010.  Another 201 tender proposals were approved, raising the number of approved tenders within the subprogramme to 1,054, and the committed grants to HUF 1.67 billion. According to estimations completed investments reduce carbon dioxide emission with 3,738 tons, and energy use with 63,935 GJ/year.

First payments of the subprogramme have already been initiated: a total of HUF 167.7 million was transferred to 188 selected tenderers. Processing of submitted tender proposals is ongoing: evaluation and submitting for approval continues in the following months. Further payments to selected tenderers are initiated after the final report, submitted after the completion of the investment, receives approval.

The Ministry of National Development took over the ZBR programme on 1 January 2011, and works actively on the implementation of the already launched programme and the preparation of other energy efficiency schemes aimed for citizens. According to plans two tenders will be launched during the summer as part of the New Széchenyi Plan, both for individual tenderers: one for energy efficiency modernization of existing single-family houses, the other one of energy efficient building of new single-family houses.