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Tendering Speeding up: First Winners of the New Széchenyi Plan Announced2011. május 11.

The National Development Agency announced that the government's steps taken for the enterprise-friendly renewal and acceleration of the EU tendering system proved to be successful.

As a proof, the first approvals and positive credit scorings were announced on the call for tenders "Micro-enterprise development" combined with a micro-credit, opened on 1 March 2011 as part of the New Széchenyi Plan. MAG Zrt responsible for tender assessment has already sent the document of support to the winners.

As a result of these recent decisions several micro-enterprises were awarded with non-repayable grants of HUF 3-4 million each as part of the tender "Micro-enterprise development" and were also given a loan of the same amount as part of the "Combined Micro-credit" programme. In each case the grant covers 45% of the planned investment. Micro-enterprises spend the sources on business development and real estate investment. After the positive decision MAG Zrt responsible for tender management sends the document of support directly to the winner (no contract signing procedure is involved) and micro-financing organizations sign the loan agreement promptly.

For the efficient and successful development of microenterprises New Széchenyi Plan integrates repayable and non-repayable EU sources previously available in multiple programmes to one combined support scheme, the "Micro-enterprise development" programme. The grant and micro-credit combination is a joint investment of the National Development Agency and the MFB bank group, a new type of enterprise development tool that is a combination of the non-repayable grant available through New Széchenyi Plan and the repayable grant (microcredit on favourable terms) financed through the Jeremie programme.

In the "Micro-enterprise development" tenders micro-enterprises have to provide 10% own contribution and can request a combination of a non-repayable grant and a microcredit that offers considerably more favourable terms than the credits available on the market. Project sources can be spent on acquisition, IT developments, real estate purchase and investments. The credit request and the tender application can be submitted in a one-stop system at the financial intermediary bodies. The list of micro-financing institutions involved in the programme is available at NDA's website and at