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Széchenyi Card Reloaded2011. április 26.

By today Széchenyi Card has become a market leading, state subsidized credit scheme reaching the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises.

146,000 cards have been issued in cooperation with KA-VOSZ Zrt, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the National Association of Entrepreneurs, and the banks involved in the scheme laid out credit on favourable terms in a total of HUF 880 billion to small and medium-sized enterprises taking part in the programme.

Besides cash credit, Széchenyi Card offers working capital, the possibility to buy investment facilities, and the possibility to take out loans for the own contribution will open soon. Agro Széchenyi Card will also be introduced.

Széchenyi Card can be applied for in the 133 branches of UniCredit Bank that has recently joined the programme. Ágnes Molnár, State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development, Kristóf Szatmáry, State Secretary of the Ministry for National Economy, Sándor Demján, President–CEO of the National Association of Entrepreneurs, László Parragh, President of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Henrik Auth, President–CEO of Garantiqua Hitelgarancia Zrt, and László Krisán, CEO KA-VOSZ Zrt were present at the press conference that introduced the new opportunities.