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Green Economy Development Programme

In the 21st century the success of a country is highly dependent on how it can manage the problems caused by the utilisation structure based on fossil (non-renewable) energy sources – security of supply, increasing prices, etc. – through energy saving, increasing energy efficiency and energy security and the use of renewable energy resources.

Global warming, the globally increasing energy needs, the rapid increase in the prices of fossil energy sources urge the world, the Member States of the European Union, and also Hungary to act as soon as possible.

The basic principles of energy policy were last determined by the document „Energy Policy Theses of Hungary 2006-2030” published by MVM Zrt. in November 2006. The statements of this document are still correct to a certain extent, but there have been significant changes since then. During the past years the hectic fluctuations of world market prices of crude oil has reached an unprecedented rate. Hungary and this region were exposed to problems in the supply of natural gas in two consecutive years. The energy sector was also deeply impacted by the global financial and economic crisis in 2008, with an effect along the entire supply chain. It is imperative that our future energy policy and the related development strategy take these changed factors into consideration.