NFÜ Nemzeti
Fejlesztési Ügynökség


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Infovonal: 06 40 638-638 Telefonos menürendszer

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Enterprise Development Programme

What is required to make Hungarian small enterprises successful? How can they create several thousands of new jobs? Will there be a Hungarian global enterprise starting from a small one? So far the state and the government have not given to the small enterprises what they need. A re-planning and a restart are needed.

Therefore, the following are the most necessary for the enterprises:
•    Vision and strategy
•    Stability and predictability
•    Reducing bureaucracy
•    Tax reduction
•    Enterprise-friendly local governments
•    Useful, fast and simple use of EU funds
•    Stable working capital financing and capital for developments
•    Expanding domestic market
•    Establishing fair relations in trade
•    Consumer protection
•    Assistance for cooperating and networking
•    One-stop-shop enterprise development agency
•    Up-to-date information
•    Effectively involving economic chambers
•    Implementing a radical change in public procurement
•    Green public procurement