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Science – Innovation Programme

Among the sources of economic growth innovation is one of the most important factors. In accordance with its social function it is the basis of improving quality of life, and for the entrepreneurs it means a definitive competitive edge. Science, technology and innovation policy of a country is on the one hand an individual strategic programme created by elaborating a well-defined system of objectives and means, and on the other hand it is a basic social and economic policy concept interweaving all elements of planning and action. By mid-decade the implementation of an effective science, technology and innovation policy based on our capabilities, the strengthening of domestic and regional market based original products and services creating new value, and a thoughtful intellectual export may generate an additional national economy growth of 1.5-2 percent.

This is the only way to become again a crisis-resistant and increasingly knowledge-based economy from a service provisioning and „outworking” country, which, at the same time, is also the source and basis of sustainability.

The objective of the programme is to dynamize the economy through innovation, and to attain that in 4 years the economic growth in Hungary reach the highest level among EU countries, through other measures and the driving force of innovation.

As a means of the economic goal it is also an objective that R&D expenditures of Hungary reach 1.5 percent of GDP by the mid-decade, and the innovation performance on the basis of the accumulated innovation index reach the EU average and enter the top third of EU countries during the next cycle.