NFÜ Nemzeti
Fejlesztési Ügynökség


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Employment Programme

The most important objective of the new Hungarian government is to increase employment. In order to achieve a higher employment level it is indispensable to create new jobs, which cannot be done from one day to another. A real change requires the transformation of the former economic and employment policy, being defective from several aspects. Substantial, comprehensive changes are needed in many areas at the same time, and, if necessary, changing the expectations and behaviour of the players of the economy and the society.

Several conditions have to be met at the same time, which – in the short term – are the following:
•    investments in Hungary should be made financially attractive for foreign capital,
•    development and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises should be assisted, encouraging their developments,
•    people should be financially motivated to work, so that they do not escape into inactivity,
•    education and training should be aligned with the new economic needs,
•    the traditional state-financed public employment should be transformed towards „meaningful” work (public employment serves for immediate job creation),
•    the bases for rural public employment should be reconsidered, since at a many places the conditions, institutions and culture for working have been lacking for 20 years,
•    the social land programme should be extended (especially by strengthening the activating effect as regards working, together with the provision of short training courses),
•    the employment opportunities supporting the self-sufficiency of local governments should be ensured by changing the legislative environment
A balance can be reached only if more people are able to make a living from traditional labour market employment, since this way payments into the fund can increase, ensuring a higher standard of benefits for those permanently excluded from the labour market.
A paradigm change is needed. Based on the principle „Value-creating work comes first” the entry into employment of those who are capable of working shall be supported by all possible means, and with the tradition financial benefits and services sourced from their payments appropriate living conditions should be ensured for those who are incapable of working. People in a better financial situation will increase their consumption, which improves development opportunities of small and micro enterprises that mainly build on domestic consumption.