NFÜ Nemzeti
Fejlesztési Ügynökség


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Transport Development Programme

Transport is an integral part of the service provision background of the economy and society.

Its benefits include ensuring accessibility, balancing territorial disparities, enabling the mobility of people, goods and services, its economic and regional development multiplier effect, and it contributes to GDP directly as well. At the same time it imposes several expenses on the society, present on a community level – and not or only partially being compensated. The primary objective is to maximize the benefits of transport, minimizing the social burdens at the same time.
Several European economic corridors cross Hungary, and therefore the New Széchenyi Plan handles the opportunities resulting from this transit role as a priority, in the case of both goods and passenger transport. We should develop the combined transport solutions, such as linking railway and public road transport, and should also develop an electronic toll payment system based on actual use, instead of the present flat-rate system.