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Press Conference on the Tender Opportunities for Settlements Affected by the May–June 2010 Floods2011. április 4.

Zsolt Becsó, President of the North Hungary Regional Development Council and Krisztián Kormány, Operative Director of the North Hungary Regional Development Agency (NORDA) introduced the tender opportunities for settlements affected by the May–June 2010 floods at a press conference on 31 March at 2 PM. The tender closed on 31 March and the new tenders opening in April provide the settlements of the region affected by the flood with a total budget of HUF 10.1 billion for recovery and prevention, to lessen the danger of flood damages.

The final deadline for submitting tender proposals for the call for tender ‘Reconstructing water protection systems of local and regional importance’ published on 1 October 2010 was 31 March 2011. The call for tender aims to increase environment security of settlements affected by the May–June 2010 floods, improve their state of environment, reduce flood and local water damage risk, secure the quality of surface waters, and prevent later environmental damages. Enormous interest was shown for the call for tender, potential tenderers posed several questions during the past few months, and NORDA experts were requested to hold several meetings on the call for tenders.

With the closing of the tender above, a new tender ‘Development of water protection systems of local and regional importance’ will be opened soon as a part of the New Széchenyi Plan's Green Economy Development Programme. The aim of the tender is similar to that of the one closed recently: increase the environment security of settlements, improve their state of environment, reduce flood, inland water and local water damage risk, secure the quality of surface waters and prevent later environmental damages. There are some new goals compared to the recently closed scheme: regular and damage free disposal of meteoric water from urban areas as part of the urban water disposal developments in the jurisdiction of local governments, management of urban waterways, inland water canals and inland water disposal systems, protection of urban areas from the damages caused by suburban water.

Other sources are also available for the recovery of damages of May–June 2010, as the tender ‘Settlement recovery in flood stricken settlements’ will be launched in April 2011, and the tender will be open from 2 May 2011 to 30 June 2011. The scheme's primary goal is to contribute to the implementation of those developments in the settlements stricken by the flood of May–June 2010 that serve to repair damages, rebuild infrastructure, and develop and extend existing functions. The available budget of the tender is HUF 4,000 million. The tender is open for the local governments of those 164 settlements (towns and townships) that successfully registered after the 22 November 2010 call for pre-registration.