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ICT Development and Accessibility for Kindergartens, Schools and Public Libraries2011. április 4.

National Development Agency started the national consultation of the tender "Coordinated Infrastructure Developments of Library Services – Knowledge Depot Express".

The primary aim of the scheme is to strengthen the education-training role of libraries through modern ICT infrastructure development and the cooperation of libraries. In order to support public education it is inevitable to provide the appropriate infrastructure to the development of library services, and to the site-independent, equal opportunity access to the documents and information stored in libraries.

Schools and public libraries can request support for activities such as purchasing tools or small scale renovation and modernisation works within their buildings. They have the opportunity for the acquisition of computers, software, thin clients, projectors, printers, scanners, and tools helping disabled people to use special library services.

The scheme opens grants totalling to HUF 610 million, support available for each project is HUF 5-8 million.
Simplified evaluation is applied to the tender!

As part of the public consultation comments can be submitted to the National Development Agency until 11 April.