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New Development Policy Creates New Jobs Even in the Less Favoured Regions2011. február 8.

State Secretary for Development Policy Ágnes Molnár spoke at the 14th stage of the New Széchenyi Plan's national tour in Nyíregyháza.

At yesterday's stage of the series of events organized to promote the new system of development policy and the New Széchenyi Plan, the Minister of State said that the primary aim of the development sources targeted at the less favoured regions was to preserve jobs and create new ones.

State Secretary for Development Policy Coordination Ágnes Molnár of the Ministry of National Development talked about development possibilities of small and medium-sized enterprises to an audience of 300. In her speech Ágnes Molnár emphasized that previous governments left a difficult legacy to the government of the national affairs, the majority of EU funds had already been committed, so to use the remaining development sources of HUF 2000 billion effectively, a well-grounded strategy and competition system is needed.

Answering the questions of the audience, Ágnes Molnár said that the new development policy was in accordance with the special needs of the less favoured and lagging regions. In these regions it is vitally important to preserve jobs and create new ones. The New Széchenyi Plan's business development programme aims to reach this goal for the renewal of Hungary's economy.

The State Secretary for Development promised reliable cooperation to the prominent self-government representatives and businessmen present. As she said: ‘The New Széchenyi Plan was developed in cooperation with the representatives of Hungary's economy and it is for Hungarian enterprises’. ‘It is our common responsibility to successfully renew the system of development policy and by this stimulate economic growth and increase employment’, said Ágnes Molnár.

Strategic cooperating partners of the national tour are the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Entrepreneurs.

Photo: Tamás Szigeti