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New Development Policy Gives Faith and Opportunities for Hungarian Enterprises2011. február 4.

After its announcement in January, a national tour was organized for New Széchenyi Plan to introduce Hungary's new and coherent development policy to the nation.

At the 11th stage of the national tour in Győr State Secretary for Development Policy Ágnes Molnár gave a speech.

The national tour of Hungary's economic development plan the New Széchenyi Plan continued, after attracting considerable attention at its previous stages. The elements of the renewed system of development policy and tenders were introduced to around 250 participants in the building of the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Ágnes Molnár, State Secretary for Development Policy of the Ministry of National Development talked about government ideas that are reflected in the New Széchenyi Plan and the plans to stimulate the economy. She put special emphasis on the fact that the government's development policy helped all regions to create jobs, developed the economy and improved competitiveness.

In her speech Ágnes Molnár said that the New Széchenyi Plan gave hope to Hungarian enterprises and this hope would stimulate the implementation of development ideas and the economic growth of Hungary. The State Secretary also talked about the available tender opportunities and the changes in procedures. She highlighted the efforts made for simplification and transparency, which could contribute greatly to successful tendering. Talking about individual tenders she indicated that strengthening the economy would be the primary assessment criterion and all development sources had to serve this purpose.

Strategic partners of the national tour are the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Entrepreneurs.