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Constructive Discussions in the Last Months about the Tender Plans of New Széchenyi Plan2011. február 11.

The National Development Agency has received thousands of comments about New Széchenyi Plan's tenders that are open for public consultation since the Plan was announced on 14 January.

High-ranking representatives of the Ministry of National Development, the National Development Agency and the cooperating organizations are informing interested parties about the new elements of the system of development policy as part of a national tour. Besides these personal meetings potential tenderers could ask questions and share their opinions with each other or with the decision makers on the website

Nearly 900 commented on the 77 tenders that are published one by one on the webpage of the New Széchenyi Plan today. Each comment included several remarks, so the Managing Authorities processed thousands of questions and useful pieces of advice. Although a significant portion of these comments were received in the last days, experts could process them and the professionally viable suggestions compatible with EU legislation were included in the calls for tenders.

Suggestions were sent by representatives of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, large companies and clusters, tender writers and individuals. Greatest interest was shown for the following tenders: "Micro-enterprise development", "Technology development for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises", "Support for on-the-job training", "Building energy optimization combined with the use of renewable energy sources", and "Tourism services development", which covers six regions.

With nearly 200 questions received, it seems "Microenterprise development" and "Technology development for micro, small and medium enterprises" are the tenders that aroused the greatest anticipation. The priorities of the reviewers are the following: broadening of the activities and the number of organizations eligible for tendering, and the modification of the minimum amount and intensity of support.

The tender for tourism will help developments in six regions. Besides the request for broadening the number of organizations eligible for tendering, reviewers sent comments about the maximum of eligible costs for the Feasibility Study, and the prioritisation of developments.

More than 50 comments were received regarding training support possibilities and support amounts, and numerous partners asked about the accreditation certificates that institutions need for offering services. The topic of equal opportunities was also raised as enterprises posed questions about extra points for the involvement of disadvantaged and disabled individuals. Another sign of the success of the consultation is that several comments were submitted from non-convergence regions.

50 comments were received about the complex technology innovation development of companies. Questions were submitted about support possibilities for overhead costs, trainings, cafeteria expenses and study tours abroad. Several partners expect a rise in the sum of advance payments, the inclusion of software purchases as eligible costs, or further simplification of tendering. Document content was clarified by experts based on the comments to make this call for tenders of New Széchenyi Plan even more tenderer-friendly with the most comprehensible system of criteria.

More than 50 professionals, mainly involved in practical implementation, submitted comments about the building energy optimization tender, for example asking about solar panel standards, or asking for the clarification of outer thermal insulation. Some welcomed the fact that there would be a possibility to renovate buildings that were not eligible for tendering previously either because of technological reasons or because the building is a national monument.

Results of the major public consultation are published on the website starting from today in the form of the final and complete documentation.