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Bács-Kiskun County Enterprises are Optimistic Due to New Széchenyi Plan's Calls Tenders2011. január 22.

Lajosmizse hosted the first consultation day of New Széchenyi Plan's national tour in the countryside on 21 January 2011. The event was part of the Business Year Opening of the Bács-Kiskun County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

An unprecedented number of participants turned up at the event, and never before had so many people full of hope been seen at an economic forum.

Hosts declared that the previous months brought enormous changes regarding the system of tendering and building a partnership among beneficiaries. They welcomed the steps taken for the renewal of development policy, and spoke highly about the series of consultations coordinated by the Ministry of National Development.

Zoltán Petykó, President of the National Development Agency introduced the strategic goals behind the New Széchenyi Plan at the event; after this his colleagues spoke about the actual tenders and the new, simplified tendering process.