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Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of National Development and Talentis Group2011. február 22.

Tamás Fellegi, Minister of National Development and Sándor Kenyeres, CEO of Talentis Group signed a declaration of intent regarding the foundation of a joint company on 17 February 2011 in Budapest. The international knowledge centre planned to be built in the Zsámbék Basin can be realised as a part of the national programmes of the New Széchenyi Plan.

The New Széchenyi Plan was introduced a month ago and aims for the renewal and recovery of Hungary. The National Programmes of the Plan support significant common goals, in many cases building on private initiatives. These Programmes take into consideration all regions, all communities and the prosperity of all Hungarian citizens.

The Talentis Programme is completely in line with the strategic goals and breakout points of the New Széchenyi Plan. It creates jobs, contributes to the development of education and vocational training, and promotes innovation. The economic, innovation and scientific centre, similar to Silicon Valley in California and Grand Lyon and Sophia Antipolis in Europe, concentrates material and intellectual resources in one place. Through becoming an owner in the project the state will act as a catalyst, and the knowledge region project can get an enormous boost.

The three main pillars of the Talentis Programme, R&D, education and technology integrate usefully with the linked infrastructure and life quality developments. Besides these Agrogate Hungary, one of the biggest logistics centres of the country has already been built in the Zsámbék Basin. Hungary's first environmentally-friendly suburban office park and innovation centre, Talentis Business Park and Innovation Centre housing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, also operates here.

There are numerous developments that are part of the project and serve the increasing needs of the constantly growing local community: for example the extension of M1 motorway's Herceghalom junction, building of a local/micro-regional wastewater processing facility, the new health centre, the renovation and extension of the kindergarten, the renovated school that was extended with a new library, canteen and IT lab.

At the signing ceremony of the declaration of intent Minister of National Development Tamás Fellegi highlighted  that "New Széchenyi Plan's national programmes are complex developments that require considerable cooperation and can serve as the ground for prosperity for whole regions. However, Talentis is exceptional even among these programmes: with its large-scale goals it can contribute to the development of the whole country, bringing about competitiveness improvement."

At the press conference Sándor Kenyeres emphasized that in the years since its start the Talentis project had proved that it had the potential to become an integrated, knowledge based regional development programme that would not only contribute to the development of Hungary and the Kárpát Basin and within it the Hungarian nation, but also served as an example for the whole Central and Eastern Europe region.