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Tamás Fellegi: We Will Rationalize Development Policy2011. január 20.

Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi talked about renewable development policy at the summit meeting of the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ), at the first stage of the national tour started to introduce New Széchenyi Plan on 20 January 2011 in Budapest. Talking about the country's business sector the Minister emphasized that the government was dedicated to help the prosperity of those Hungarian enterprises that created jobs.

Tamás Fellegi told the most prominent representatives of the business sector that the difficult legacy left by the previous government demanded a renewal both in the economic and the development policy. The renewal of the development policy system aims to help those enterprises that are willing to tender to the greatest extent possible to prosper. The Minister for Development emphasised that the new government's economic policy was primarily focusing on the increase of employment. "We are helping those and we are relying on those who are creating jobs", he added. Hungarian enterprises need to be given a chance through the involvement of sources and working capital. The framework for economic development is provided by the New Széchenyi Plan.

The Minister pointed out that based on the outcome of the national consultation the government applied several key simplifications to the tendering system. Among others the number of the tenders was increased, where the tenderer is given access to the funds without any further evaluation once it meets the predefined objective criteria. The number of annexes required to be submitted with tenders was decreased, tenders can be submitted on CD and flat-rate funding became possible. Supplementary sources will be easier to access for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. As a result most enterprises with capital problems will have an opportunity to access the funds.

The Minister added that a new institutional system would be created that would offer real help for those enterprises that create jobs. Making the system of public procurement more transparent forms a part of the rationalization of development policy. This can ensure the creation of a structure based on real competition and a decrease in corruption. A completely new act on public procurement is being drafted, which will be shorter, more unified and clearer in structure compared to the current one. The new bill will be submitted to the government in 3-4 weeks and it is expected to come into force on 1 January 2012.

Introducing the transportation development programme of New Széchenyi Plan Tamás Fellegi emphasized that rail transport would be favoured in the conveyance of passengers and goods due to energy efficiency, environment protection and the improvement of quality of life. Talking about the other areas of national programmes he highlighted the plan to build a nation-wide network of bicycle routes, and the ELI super laser programme of strategic importance in Szeged. Concluding his speech the Minister affirmed that the government was dedicated to use all available methods and tools to develop Hungarian enterprises so that they would become able to make investments.