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Values of Lake Tisza can Surface as a Result of New Széchenyi Plan2011. február 21.

Ágnes Molnár, State Secretary for Development Policy Coordination of the Ministry of National Development emphasized the importance of the simplification of the institutional system at the Tiszafüred stage of the national tour introducing the New Széchenyi Plan on 17 February 2011. Participants, mainly mayors and tourism entrepreneurs, were given information about the development initiatives for Lake Tisza.

The State Secretary underlined that the chances of success of tenders for EU funds suffered considerably due to the slow and non-transparent nature of the institutional system that had concurrencies. The simplification of the overly bureaucratic and overcomplicated network of the intermediary bodies has already been started, with the introduction of a service-minded approach. By the end of the improvement process development funds will reach businesses through fewer intermediary bodies, faster and in a more customer-friendly manner. Strengthening of the monitoring functions is also for the interest of tenderers.

The national programmes of the New Széchenyi Plan will bring developments of ecotourism and ecoagriculture in the Lake Tisza area. "These investments will not only broaden the offer in tourism, but can also bring a considerable improvement in the quality of life of the population in the area", highlighted Ágnes Molnár.

The New Széchenyi Plan will continue the Vásárhelyi Plan started in 2001, and as a result of the flood protection developments the population of the settlements along the River Tisza will be protected from flood damages.

Strategic partners of the national tour started in January are the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Entrepreneurs. The meetings offer an open forum for representatives of the state and businesses to discuss cooperation possibilities. 

In the photos Dr. Ágnes Molnár State Secretary for Development Policy Coordination of the Ministry of National Development can be seen. Source: Lake Tisza Regional Development Council