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Simpler, Faster and More Transparent Tendering System2011. január 14.

On 14 January the New Széchenyi Plan was launched with a user-friendly tendering system. From now on the whole support budget is available, eliminating problems caused by submission deadlines, and with the extensive use of automatic support several developers can start work earlier. The new calls for tenders with transparent structure and easily understandable language adapt to the needs of businesses and can be submitted electronically. From now on the documents are requesting less information from the potential developer.

After today's formal announcement the New Széchenyi Plan will start, helping users at several points with simpler procedures and more understandable language.

A big advantage of automatic tenders is the possibility of short decision making as the procedure lacks an evaluation phase, although the scope of application of automatic tenders is relatively limited.
For declarations, it will be sufficient to fill in one form, in which the tenderer agrees to observe the Hungarian and EU legislation during the implementation. The applicable legislation and the provisions thereof regarding the tenderer's obligations are listed in the tender guide and in the general terms and conditions of the grant contract.
Project documents were also reviewed and simplified. The current rules for these documents set a minimum of obligatory data to provide, so the amount of data requested is significantly less than previously. For declarations, the changes will minimise the number of typos that resulted in the rejection of tenders.