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Three Million Clicks on New Széchenyi Plan2011. március 19.

Nearly 3 million page views were registered on the New Széchenyi Plan's website since its launch on 14 January. For the more than 518,000 page visits, an average of six visitors viewed the pages of news, tenders and the elements of the new image at any given time.

As expected, the greatest interest was for the tenders of the Business Development Programme: nearly 3,000 visitors saved the fill-in software for the schemes and 326,000 visits were registered for the Business Development Programme's subpages.

According to the statistics – after downloading the fill-in software – more than 5,600 visitors studied the tenders of the breakout points (health industry, green economy development, science and innovation, business development, employment, transport development).

In two months visitors clicked 527,000 times directly on the Tenders subpage, while nearly 400,000 visitors showed a general interest for in the same period.

The popular Tenders Guide is available in an easily readable format on the website of the New Széchenyi Plan, and the document can be downloaded with one click. Visitors can read about the tenders on the well-designed page, find coverage about the national tour with photos, and they can browse the latest news as well.

Beneficiaries’ Reporting Obligation and the requirements for visual identity are now available on the site – this can be used as guidelines by winner developers during project implementation.