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Tolna County Enterprises Need a Dialogue2011. február 21.

New Széchenyi Plan's national tour has arrived in Szekszárd. At the consultation about the tenders experts of the National Development Agency introduced the possibilities the New Széchenyi Plan (NSzP) offers, and the elements of the renewed system of the development policy.

István Horváth, Major of Szekszárd said in his prologue that New Széchenyi Plan helped enterprises to find new ways to recover from the crisis. He expressed his expectations for the tenders scheduled to start at the beginning of March and highlighted that the new tenders could bring stability in the months to follow and could help the development of enterprises.

Zoltán Petykó, President of the National Development Agency talked about the goals for the period until 2014. These are the following: to increase the investment rate from 17% to 25%, to increase the GDP growth from 1% to 4-6%, and to create 250,000 to 300,000 new jobs. Petykó said that economic growth would be launched by the NSzP and the main areas would be the production and technology sectors.

Ignác Siba, Head of the Controlling Authority of Economic Development Operative Programme (GOP) said that GOP sources would amount to approximately HUF 1000 billion in the period 2007-2013. Successful tenderers will receive HUF 800 billion as non-repayable grants and HUF 200 billion as repayable grants. He highlighted that approximately HUF 300 billion were available for R&D in the seven-year period, out of which HUF 190 billion were still uncommitted. HUF 400 billion is available for business development in the period 2007-2013, the amount of free sources is HUF 130 billion.

Judit Farkas, Deputy EU Programme Director of ESZA Nonprofit Kft introduced five new SROP tenders at the event. These are all connected to three breakout points: business development, employment, and science and innovation.

Zsolt Benedek, Deputy Head of Department of the Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Programmes (ROP) said that the budget of the Southern Transdanubia Operational Programme for the period 2011-2013 was HUF 47 billion, out of which tenders are opening for HUF 17 billion. Tenders will open continuously for the remainder of the budget in the future.

Dr. Anikó Szilvia Nagy deputy head of department talked about the changes in the tendering system. She said that the disconnected and overcomplicated system of tendering would be replaced by a single and streamlined process after parallel structures were terminated and the system was accelerated.

Contributing partners of the national tour are the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Entrepreneurs.