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Conference about Heat Pump Systems in the New Széchenyi Plan2011. március 22.

On 22 March 2011 at the conference "Current Issues of Heat Pump Utilisation at the Launch of New Széchenyi Plan for Local Governments and their Public Institutions" organized by Hidro-Geodrilling Kft (HGD Kft) Tamás Simon, an expert of Energy Centre Nonprofit Kft, gave a presentation with the title "Support Opportunities and Conditions of Heat Pump Systems".

At the beginning of the presentation the audience was told about the operation and tasks of the Energy Centre.

After this Tamás Simon introduced the calls for tenders of the Green Economy Development Programme in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, which were opened at the beginning of March. He explained that the new calls for tenders contained several simplifications. Rationalization measures resulted in a shortened evaluation period and an assessment system based on automatism was introduced. Tender proposals can be submitted on CD. Another positive change is that support intensity for all tenders submitted by local governments was uniformly increased to 85%.

In the second half of his presentation the expert of the Energy Centre talked about the support conditions of heat pump systems. At present heat pump investment tenders are open now for enterprises and institutions; the presentation ended with the introduction of the respective technical and professional criteria.