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Government Decree on Central Monitoring and Authorisation of Public Procurements2011. április 12.

Government Decree No. 46/2011 (III.25.) Korm. on the central monitoring and authorisation of public procurements (hereinafter referred to as “R”) came into force on 1 April 2011.

According to § 1, Paragraph 1 of R all budgetary institutions under government control, the entities in their trusteeship with a majority ownership of the state, and the Government's public foundations shall act according to the provisions of the Act on Public Procurement; for their acquisitions that fall within the scope of the Government Decree on the special regulations for procurements that are connected to state secrets, service secrets, affect basic security or national security interests, or that require special security measures, they must act according to that Government Decree.

§ 1, Paragraph 2 of R lists those special procurement types that do not fall within the scope of the Government Decree. One of these is the case when the execution of the acquisition partly or fully involves foreign financial sources.

As a consequence of this acquisitions that are partly or fully financed by EU sources do not fall within the scope of R.