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Easily Accessible Tendering Information on the Updated Website of New Széchenyi Plan2011. január 20.

New Széchenyi Plan's web page gives an easily accessible overview of the programme and the coherent system of development policy. Small and medium-sized enterprises can browse the opportunities using one, verified source. The well-designed website enables visitors to quickly find calls for tenders relevant for them.

Targeted search is supported by the menu item Tender search of the website. The search option provides a map that helps to filter calls for tenders based on regions and other criteria. All the information required for tendering is accessible and documents are available for download on the website (call for tenders, guide, form).
Tenders Guide and the seven programmes of the New Széchenyi Plan are also available on the website. Content for the press – news, press releases – will be extended shortly with a media section (a collection of videos and photos).
The menu item Partnership links to an interactive forum that enables tenderers to share their opinions and suggestions about the New Széchenyi Plan and its tenders (a short registration is required).