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Simplifications Regarding Communication Obligations of Beneficiaries2011. március 4.

As a part of the launch of the government's comprehensive development initiative, the New Széchenyi Plan, the National Development Agency updated the document that prescribes the reporting obligations of beneficiaries. This update further simplifies and accelerates the use of EU development funds that are placed in a single framework and organized around breakout points.

Developers with a grant contract have to fulfil the communication obligations listed in the guide "Beneficiaries’ reporting obligations" during project implementation, depending on the size and type of the project.

The basis of the simplifications that are about to come into effect and can be illustrated by figures is the amount of the granted support. According to communication requirements projects are classified into only 3 groups instead of the previous 5 (developments with a grant below HUF 50 million, with a grant amounting to HUF 50–500 million, and with a grant exceeding HUF 500 million). In the first group that affects the largest investments the number of the previously required 35 communication elements was reduced to 14. As a result, the only investments that have an obligation with more than 7 activities are the investments, where the support amount of the project exceeds HUF 0.5 billion. It is also worth noting that in the case of all three groups beneficiaries can fulfil their information obligations in a considerably more cost-efficient way according to the new requirements on the mandatory information boards to be placed. Instead of the previous boards, which significantly increased communication costs, the developers can have standard-sized boards manufactured in the future.

The simplified guide available on the New Széchenyi Plan's web page under the menu item "Image" ( not only lists obligations, but also serves as a practical help for beneficiaries of EU grants in their communication activities.

At the National Development Agency's web site ( a new tool is available: it is called TÉRKÉPTÉR (Mapspace) and gives information about the use of EU sources with project content and photo documentation.