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Tenders Guide of New Széchenyi Plan is Available in Libraries2011. február 22.

With respect to the keen interest Ministry of National Development will make the guide available in nearly 400 Hungarian public libraries. The guide gives a summary of the tender possibilities of the renewed system of development policy.

There is continuous and enormous interest for the New Széchenyi Plan. The Tenders Guide that was reprinted several times and the current one is its third edition is constantly sought by potential tenderers at the stages of the national tour of the New Széchenyi Plan and at the Information Points.

To serve this demand the Ministry of National Development and Library Supplier Kht started a joint action to provide public libraries of towns with a copy of the guide. Besides the 20 county libraries and the libraries of the capital, the guide will soon be available in each national reference library, the libraries of university centres, and 316 town public libraries. The guide cannot be lent, but the contents can be photocopied as part of library services. Tender possibilities and the related useful information will thus become available for anyone through the library system.

Questions regarding the system of development policy can still be directed to the customer service points of regional development agencies and the government "windows". The Tenders Guide is available and entirely downloadable from the website of the New Széchenyi Plan. A list of libraries with a copy of the Guide is also available on the same site.