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R+D Support in the Field of Renewable Energy Sources2011. március 24.

The Northern Great Plain Regional Development Agency is celebrating the closing of the project ‘R+D support in the field of renewable energy sources and agricultural innovation’ with a series of information days.

As  part of the information days' programme, projects finished using the Tenders Fund will be introduced. Besides introducing the results, organizers will provide information about recent calls for tenders promoting and helping the use of renewable energy sources, and the expected grant areas of the Norwegian Fund for the next, 2009–2014 period.

The project, executed with the support of the Northern Great Plain Regional Development Council, the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism, and the National Innovation Office, has been finished. The aim of the Tenders Fund is to promote applied research and help to spread the use of research results by supporting R+D projects in the field of renewable energy sources and agricultural innovation.

Furthermore, at the meetings Energy Centre Non-profit Kft presents those current calls for tenders of the New Széchenyi Plan that support the use of renewable energy.

Organizers welcome those academic institutions, county development agencies, local governments, research institutes and companies to the meetings held for 20–30 participants that plan to take part in renewable energy tenders in the future.

The dates and venues of the information days are as follows:

25 March 2011, 10–12 AM
Debrecen, Northern Great Plain Regional Development Agency, Alföld Conference Room, 4028 Debrecen, Simonyi út 14

14 April 2011, 10–12 AM
Szolnok, Megyeháza, Külső-Szolnok Room, 5000 Szolnok, Kossuth Lajos út 2

15 April 2011, 10–12 AM
Nyíregyháza, University College of Nyíregyháza, Faculty of Engineering and Agriculture, 4400 Nyíregyháza, Kótaji u. 9-11. Building C.