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Tenders Guide of the New Széchenyi Plan Available for Download2011. január 19.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Minister for National Economy György Matolcsy and Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi introduced the New Széchenyi Plan, the programme for the renewal of the Hungarian economy and the system of development policy on 14 January 2011.

The guide containing a short description of calls for tenders and information on the renewed system of development policy is available here for download. The guide gives a summary of the main goals of the Plan, the tenders, the favourable changes of the funding system, and the national programmes in a clear and easily understandable form. It is a useful help and a source of detailed information regarding tendering for small and medium-sized enterprises. Interested parties can find current calls for tenders and sources easily and fast.

The first stage of the New Széchenyi Plan consists of 93 new tenders amounting to HUF 1100 billion. Until 2013 a total of HUF 2000 billion of EU sources will be available, along with a considerable amount of Hungarian sources and financial instruments, primarily for Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises. 

The first chapter is about the steps towards the renewal of the system of development policy. This chapter contains those changes that were implemented as a result of professional consultations.

Chapter two describes the development sources of the New Széchenyi Plan, the goals the actual calls for tenders support, the amount of funds available, and the conditions of submitting tenders, on a programme basis.

Chapter three describes the extended financial instruments and the sources micro, small and medium-sized enterprises can tender for that enable all enterprises with capital problems to access funds. Széchenyi Card and several renewed financial schemes of the Hungarian Development Bank can be accessed with the help of Hungarian financial sources and as a part of the New Széchenyi Plan, aligned with its goals.

Chapter four gives a summary of the elements of the National Programmes. These programmes aim to promote the preservation and development of national treasures and achievements.

The last part of the guide lists the contacts of the New Széchenyi Plan Information Points, business hours of customer service points, and the web and email addresses of the central web page and the customer service points.

Click here for the electronic version of the guide.