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New Széchenyi Plan's Details were Revealed in Miskolc2011. január 25.

‘The aim of the national tour on the New Széchenyi Plan, the fourth stage of which is Miskolc, is to give general information and to establish partnership between the participants of the new institution system of tendering and the potential beneficiaries’, State Secretary Ágnes Molnár emphasized in her introduction.

At the event organized by the Ministry of National Development, the Mayor's Office of Miskolc and the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of the national tour, the New Széchenyi Plan's strategy, tenders and the newly implemented simplifications were introduced to 150 business owners. The speakers of the event attracting considerable attention were State Secretary Ágnes Molnár of the Ministry of National Development, Gyula Barta E, CEO of MAG Zrt and Dr Eszter Kanzsalics Deputy Department Head of the National Development Agency.

‘The aim of the national tour on the New Széchenyi Plan, the fourth stage of which is Miskolc, is to give general information and to establish partnership between the participants of the new institution system of tendering and the potential beneficiaries’, State Secretary Ágnes Molnár emphasized in her introduction. She explained that the aim of the radically revised development policy was to stimulate economic growth by providing sources to businesses. ‘Hungary can become the strong country of the region again if everybody can realize their plans and can believe in the recovery of the country from family businesses to large companies’, declared the State Secretary. In order to reach this goal she requested the help of the enterprises of Borsod County, who can contribute to the New Széchenyi Plan's success with their useful ideas and cooperation.

Deputy department head Dr Eszter Kanzsalics listed the simplifications and elements of acceleration introduced to the tendering process; these simplifications will be part of the new, unified order of procedure. She explained that several technical modifications were introduced for the simplification of tendering, such as the following: expansion of simplified evaluation, emphasis on electronic tendering, allowance-based charging, shorter, unified forms, and simpler submission of statements. She emphasized that the goal of the revision was to make calls for tenders more easy to understand and accessible and to make the entire system simpler, clearer and more transparent. Dr Eszter Kanzsalics indicated that improvement of the cooperation between the intermediate bodies, the tenderers and the other parties of the institution system was a high priority.

Gyula Barta E demonstrated some actual tenders to the audience. Several schemes will be opened for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and these will help numerous companies considerably to enter tendering. Large companies are not forgotten either: tender sources in a total of billions of HUF are available at MAG Zrt. The CEO said it was extremely important that the county's business owners considered MAG Zrt as a partner. MAG Zrt's aim is to help the maximum number of companies to execute the maximum number of investments and this is only possible through partnership.