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Ágnes Molnár: Considerable Simplifications in the Tendering System2011. január 20.

State Secretary for Development Policy Coordination Ágnes Molnár of the Ministry of National Development talked about New Széchenyi Plan's sources and the goals of the revised development policy in Duna TV's programme ‘Közbeszéd’ on 18 January.

‘The New Széchenyi Plan announced on 14 January offers tender sources of HUF 1100 billion that are made available in the form of 93 calls for tenders’, said Ágnes Molnár in Duna TV's evening programme. The State Secretary added that ‘The Government of National Cooperation found available EU sources of HUF 2000 billion. The 93 calls for tenders will be opened using these, and Hungarian funds.’

In the interview Ágnes Molnár emphasized that the government made clear that ‘in the future development policy cannot stand without strategy and well-defined goals.’ As a consequence the New Széchenyi Plan defines seven breakout points, and besides the actual tenders it wishes to link community and individual interests.

The State Secretary indicated that ‘one of the pillars of the New Széchenyi Plan is the simplified system of tendering.’ In the interview she highlighted that in order to motivate small and medium-sized enterprises to take part in tenders, the government has introduced ‘shortened evaluation periods and faster payment procedures – these measures all stimulate small and medium-sized enterprises to tender.’