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250,000 Visitors in two weeks on the Website of the New Széchenyi Plan2011. január 31.

There is continuous and enormous interest for the New Széchenyi Plan, this is shown not only at the stages of the national tour launched to introduce the Plan and by the data from the customer service offices, but also by the massive interest on the web.

‘Everything depends on us, we only have to want it’, this is one of the mottos of the New Széchenyi Plan, a quote from István Széchenyi. Addressees of the tenders agree. This is proven by the fact that in only two weeks 250,000 visitors accessed the official website of the programme looking for details. The intensity of the interest is also shown by the 1.5 million clicks registered at

As expected the greatest interest is for the business development tenders: more than 150,000 visitors have been interested in these opportunities so far. The tenders guide that gives an easily understandable summary of the favourable changes, the goals and the tenders, also enjoys great popularity – it was downloaded 20,000 times.

One of the guarantees for the success of the New Széchenyi Plan is that the experience and suggestions of the affected parties are behind the changes of the funding system. Utilising the results of the national consultation the government wishes to continue the dialogue with the representatives of the business world in order to integrate their suggestions and ideas to calls for tenders to be launched in the future. Internet is one of the grounds of this communication that resulted in a simpler, faster and more efficient funding system.