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180 Tenders Submitted to the New Széchenyi Plan's Calls for Tenders in a Few Weeks2011. március 28.

Györgyi Nyikos, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development talked about recent results of the renewed development policy and the government's goals with the New Széchenyi Plan at the business forum of the Veszprém County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

At the event held on 24 March she told the audience of 200 that the reception of the schemes opened so far could be considered a success. Since the beginning of March 180 tender proposals have been submitted to the business development programme in a total of HUF 54 billion.

The Deputy  State Secretary responsible for development issues called the attention of the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises to the fact that the support schemes will not be closed in a short time: sources for development ideas are open until the budget is depleted. This also ensures carefully considered and planned developments to be carried out.

Györgyi Nyikos cited uniform strategy, changes of the institutional system and the set of tools, and the more efficient source coordination as key elements of the renewed development policy. She referred to the simplification of the legislative environment that gives easier access to enterprises willing to tender to those development schemes that were previously burdened with useless and costly administration.

She added that instead of acting as authorities, intermediate bodies would concentrate on providing information and help to tenderers. The government's goal with the changes is to encourage enterprises to take part in tenders and to utilize sources more effectively.

The closing event of the national tour launched at the end of January to introduce the New Széchenyi Plan will be held in Debrecen at the beginning of April.

Strategic partners of the national tour are the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Entrepreneurs.