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Tight Deadlines until the First Tenders are Published2011. január 14.

On 14 January the New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT), a 10 years long programme of economic development tailored to Hungary's needs was launched. After the launch of ÚSZT the social consultation on EU funded tenders will be finished by 31 January at National Development Agency (NFÜ). By 10 February accepted proposals of the consultation are incorporated into the calls for tenders by NFÜ, and according to plans new tenders can be submitted starting from 1 March.

ÚSZT's draft marked the main breakout points of Hungarian economic development, and in line with these 14 January 2011 saw the launch of a system of tendering that contains new schemes besides the well-functioning former ones.

Strategic breakout points are the following: health industry, green economy, employment, home building, transportation, science and innovation, and business development.
‘Hungary is on the right track regarding the use of resources, and we welcome the fact that the country started to set up those strategies that were missing before’, said Jean-Marie Seyler confirming the relevance of breakout points in December 2010 at his visit to Hungary as the leader of the European Commission's delegation.

All seven strategic breakout areas focus on economic development and job creation. The necessary tool to reach the goals is a system of tendering that meets the requirements of the market: it must be quick, transparent, predictable and uncomplicated.

Procedures will become simpler and more transparent. Documentation will become less complicated, financial procedures will be shorter, forms will require less data and tenders can be submitted electronically.
Small and medium-sized enterprises can submit tenders continuously, and automatic support schemes will be introduced.
Social consultation on the new tenders will continue until 30 January. The National Development Agency is interested in the opinion of those organizations and institutions that are genuine representatives of a profession, social group, or area.
By 10 February accepted proposals of the consultation are incorporated to the calls for tenders. In the meantime tenderers can continue with the preparatory work.
Keeping the tight deadlines by 1 March the new calls for tenders will not only be available, but the tendering process will also start.