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Introduction to the New Széchenyi Plan at the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers2011. január 27.

Ágnes Molnár State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development introduced the New Széchenyi Plan at the year's opening meeting of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) on 25 January 2011 in Budapest in a pre-agenda address.

The State Secretary for Development Policy Coordination introduced the key features of the system of uniform development policy, the changes of the grant and application system, and the tenders related to breakout points to the leading bodies of VOSZ. VOSZ's Economic Policy Committee formed an opinion about the New Széchenyi Plan's draft based on the interests of businesses, and shared it with the government. At Tuesday's meeting VOSZ expressed that it supported the Ministry of National Development's and the National Development Agency's goal to provide businesses with sufficient information on the low-administration cost tenders that are explicitly aimed to improve the competitiveness of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises. As a sign of this support VOSZ (along with the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) joined the national tour of the New Széchenyi Plan. The goal of the tour is to introduce the renewed system of tendering to businesses. The business association issued a press release highlighting that VOSZ will continue to be a partner in all measures that work for the recovery of Hungary's economy.