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Széchenyi Plan: New Momentum in Rural Development2011. január 19.

’We promote the use of the latest technology that guarantees quality, sustainability and food safety’, said Sándor Fazekas, Minister for Rural Development at an event organized in Karcag to local businessmen.

From the seven programmes of the New Széchenyi Plan five are closely connected to rural development. The Health Industry Programme includes development opportunities of indoor horticulture, geothermal energy based energetic modernization of horticultural facilities, and promotes the production of bio food items. The Green Economy Development Programme includes the utilization of agricultural raw materials, side products and renewable energy sources, and promotes the production of eco- and environmentally friendly products. The  Agro Széchenyi Card is closely connected to the Business Development Programme , and the ‘standard programme for food industry businesses’ is a part of it. The Employment Programme supports developments that are connected to the production of labour intensive handmade products to revitalize traditional crafts, while the Transportation Development Programme opens funds for creating joint warehousing.