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New Széchenyi Plan for Cohesion and Increase of Employment2011. január 26.

Speakers of the Eger event highlighted that the New Széchenyi Plan could give a stimulus for enterprises to create jobs and could become the basis for cohesion for regions lagging behind.

The speakers of the sixth event of the national tour to introduce the New Széchenyi Plan were Ágnes Molnár, State Secretary for Development Policy Coordination, Eszter Kanzsalics, Deputy Department Head of National Development Agency, and Ignác Siba, Head of the Managing Authority of the Economic Development Operational Programme. The event was held in Eger on 25 January 2011. Speakers highlighted that New Széchenyi Plan could give a stimulus for enterprises to create jobs and could become the basis for the adjustment of regions lagging behind.

At the professional event held for Heves county businessmen, economic development organizations and local governments, Ágnes Molnár, State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development emphasized that Hungary would be successful, if it made efforts to renew its economy with a uniform strategy. Targeted utilization of EU and Hungarian sources is the key to the development of Hungary's economy and one of the most important pillars of the uniform development policy.

Hungary's competitiveness depends on Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises, to reinforce them is a primary goal of the government of national cooperation. ‘For this reason New Széchenyi Plan strives to give maximum help to enterprises willing to tender to make them successful and able to create new jobs’, said the State Secretary.
Ágnes Molnár highlighted that there were 600,000 family businesses active in Hungary. If the renewed system of development policy enables them to employ just one new employee, it will contribute significantly to the goal to create 1 million new jobs in Hungary in 10 years. Ágnes Molnár pointed out that the New Széchenyi Plan could not ignore the need for adjustment of regions with disparities in the level of development, and as a result supporting depressed regions such as Northern Hungary was a priority when the calls for tenders of the Plan were compiled.

Contributing partners of the national tour are the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Entrepreneurs.