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New Széchenyi Plan – the Second Wave2011. február 11.

The social consultation on the EU tenders of the New Széchenyi Plan ended on 31 January. After this 77 calls for tenders were published on 10 February with a total budget of HUF 510 billion. Tenders are accessible within six development programmes.

During the 18 days long social consultation the National Development Agency received more than 900 opinions. Professionally viable suggestions compatible with EU legislation were included in the final version of the tender documents that were published on 10 February. Project proposals can be submitted starting from 1 March, which provides enough time for tenderers to prepare.

Business Development Programme:
16 tenders were launched with a total budget of more than HUF 147 billion. Grants can be applied for for microenterprise development, support of business clusters, technology development, and on-the-job training.

Employment Programme:
One of the main goals of the New Széchenyi Plan is to increase employment. Priority project proposals that improve employability of the disadvantaged can receive grants of HUF 60 billion. In the Central Hungary Region an additional budget of HUF 5 billion is available to improve the prospects of individuals entering the labour market with disadvantages.

Green Economy Development Programme:
A wide range of tender possibilities are available. Tenders will be opened for building energy optimization development, for regional recultivation programmes of solid waste disposal sites of settlements, for the increase of renewable energy use, or the modernization of district heating systems. 15 tenders were launched with a total budget of nearly HUF 120 billion.

Science and Innovation Programme:
The budget of over HUF 72 billion can be used for the following purposes: complex technology support for companies, training and content development, support for the utilization of innovation outcomes (for SMEs), quality improvement in higher education, support for the complex technology innovation of accredited cluster member companies.

Hungary Healing – Health Programme:
23 tenders were launched with a total budget of more than HUF 31.1 billion. Tenders are opening for the following purposes: development of tourism and health rehabilitation services, creation and development of tourism destination management organizations.

Transportation Development Programme:
Tenders are opening for purposes including the following: development of logistics centres and services, bicycle route networks, inter-city roads, number 4 and 5 roads, improvement of accessibility on road, reconstruction of roads. The budget of currently opening tenders is HUF 75 billion.