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Boosting Business Activity in Nógrád2011. március 18.

A road show is being carried out these days by the General Assembly of Nógrád County, the Northern Hungary Regional Development Agency, the Nógrád Development Agency Nonprofit Kft, the KRF Northern Hungary Regional Development Zrt, the Nógrád County Regional Foundation for Enterprise Promotion and the Nógrád Branch of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers for businessmen and developers.

There is room for improvement in Nógrád county regarding the use of EU grants, therefore the organizers invited participants to consider the problems together and cooperate. The first stage of the economic development tour was Salgótarján, where participants were given information about the New Széchenyi Plan. ‘In the later part of the event the following topics were covered: tenders of Northern Hungary Operational Programme for 2011, required steps from development idea to closing project accounting, products of the Széchenyi Card with special attention to prefinancing opportunities of own contribution and implementation, and grants combined with microcredit’, Nógrád Megyei Hírlap wrote.

The road show will visit the other towns of the county in the days to follow and urges businessmen to participate. Next dates and venues are the following: Thursday, 17 March, 2 PM, Bátonyterenye, Mayor's Office; Friday, 18 March, Pásztó, 1 PM, Mayor's Office; Monday, 21 March, 2 PM, Rétság, City Hall; Tuesday, 22 March, Balassagyarmat, 2 PM, City Hall.