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The New Széchenyi Plan is to Realize a World Class Development in Szeged2011. február 4.

The New Széchenyi Plan's strategy, tenders and the newly implemented simplifications were introduced in the county town of Csongrád on 4 February 2011.

At the 12th event of the national tour State Secretary Ágnes Molnár of the Ministry of National Development talked about the goals of the revised development policy to an audience of 200.

The State Secretary emphasized that the New Széchenyi Plan was offering hope and opportunities for all citizens of Hungary. The goal of the national tour is to inform people outside the capital about the positive changes that affect them. Organizing personal meetings is the only method to initiate constructive dialogue and partnership between the decision makers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that constitute the engine of Hungary's economy. She explained that the fundamental changes of development policy made tendering more transparent, predictable and easier to plan. It is simpler and easier for businesses to access sources, which increases employment and launches sustainable economic growth.

The ELI laser project that is planned to be implemented in Szeged as  part of the New Széchenyi Plan's National Programmes is a significant opportunity not just for the international and Hungarian scientific community, but also for the Hungarian economy. The most important result of research infrastructure development is knowledge transfer that can make the town and its region an economic, innovation and scientific centre. The Government of National Cooperation is committed to implement the programme with success; the work that has been commenced will bring international prestige and acknowledgement through the cooperation of scientists, professional communities and businesses. ‘As a result of the strong university background and the attractive environment Szeged's region is perfectly fitted to be the target of significant investments regarding two breakout points of New Széchenyi Plan: health industry and tourism’, said Ágnes Molnár.

Strategic cooperation partners of the national tour are the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Entrepreneurs. The Szeged event was organized by the Ministry of National Development, the National Development Agency, the Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Southern Great Plain Regional Development Agency.

Photo: Tamás Szigeti