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The New Széchenyi Plan's National Tour Arrived to Zalaegerszeg2011. február 2.

The National Development Agency's national tour to introduce the New Széchenyi Plan arrived to Zalaegerszeg on 1 February 2011.

State Secretary for Development Policy Coordination Ágnes Molnár of the Ministry of National Development talked about the new system of tendering to more than 250 local businessmen. The State Secretary emphasized that the New Széchenyi Plan brought the hope of prosperity for small and medium-sized enterprises.

At the event of the Municipality of Zalaegerszeg Ágnes Molnár said that in the new system of development policy the participation in tender procedures became simpler and faster. The length of forms was reduced to 20%, the number of annexes from 30 to less than 10. Formerly tenderers had to submit 60–70 different declarations: now only one declaration is sufficient.

‘New financial instruments enable all enterprises with capital problems to access funds, development sources are available even for microenterprises’, Ágnes Molnár said. She also mentioned that besides cash credit Széchenyi Card would offer working capital, and could be used to finance investments and own contribution in the future.

‘Sustainable economic growth will be launched by the New Széchenyi Plan, and one of the most important areas is the development of transit economy as it plays a key role in the strengthening of Hungarian businesses’, Ágnes Molnár pointed out.

The State Secretary emphasized that continuously providing people living in the countryside with up-to-date information was a priority for the Ministry of National Development. The government's aim is to introduce the newly implemented simplifications to the broadest audience of those, who are willing to tender. Besides providing information about tender opportunities, the Ministry wishes to enter into a dialogue with business owners. "This is the reason why we are willing to learn about your useful ideas and this is why we are open for cooperation—New Széchenyi Plan can only be successful with our joint effort", said the State Secretary.

Since the New Széchenyi Plan's website's launch on 14 January, 1.6 million page downloads have been generated.