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New tender of Green Investment System received extensive attention2011. augusztus 18.

Tenderers were highly interested in the subproject ‘Our home’ of the New Széchenyi Plan’s Green Investment System. 550 applications were submitted until 27 August 2011.

In the framework of the Green Investment System, which is financed from the income of carbon trading, the tender was open for applications from 15 August 2011 to gain funding for energy efficiency reconstructions and the construction of energy-saving buildings. By announcing the tender with a budget of HUF 1.6 billion, the Ministry of National Development invited applications for the complex energetic modernization of buildings, with an aim to encourage the use of energy efficiency renovations and renewable energy.

The major attention directed at the tender proved that the ideas of the government could both effectively respond to applicants’ demands and remain in conformity with the rules of international carbon trading.

The new tender aims at urging the construction of new, complex energetic developments, reducing carbon-dioxide emissions and saving energy to the highest possible degree by modernizing existing buildings and constructing new ones. The income from the sale of Hungarian carbon credits will be spent on projects resulting in efficient and considerable emission reduction, which is not only an international commitment but a major national interest as well. Apart from climate protection, the project may have an impact on reducing Hungary’s energy dependence, public energy consumption and, consequently, energy costs. As an additional benefit, the investments will create new jobs in the construction industry.

As the nearly 550 applications received have exceeded the resources available, the Ministry of National Development has decided to suspend the tender and the receipt of applications as of 17 August 2011. All applications mailed after that date will be automatically rejected.

The fast assessment of application will be followed by rapid decisions so that investments can commence as early as possible. The Ministry of National Development will report to the Government about the experiences of the tendering scheme. Based on that information and the available resources left, the Government may launch another tender for the New Széchenyi Plan’s Green Investment System.