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Keeping contact during the maintenance period of accomplished EU projects2011. augusztus 31.

The National Development Agency (NDA) has been continuously working on developing the tendering system, in particular, speeding up the procedures and establishing a tenderer-friendly operation. Therefore, on 1 September the NDA launched an online system to support administration tasks occurring in the maintenance period of accomplished projects.

Taking advantage of the online system, the NDA has considerably improved the information service to Beneficiaries (winning tenderers) for their convenience, including a new service which sends automatic notifications to them before specific deadlines expire. In addition to the management period of applications and projects, the use of the electronic information system is now extended to the maintenance period as well, starting on completion of the projects and lasting for five years (at least three years for SMEs and micro-enterprises).

A great advantage of the new service resulting in a rapid spread of information is that Beneficiaries, who have accomplished their projects, regularly receive e-notifications about any information or decision on reports and the fulfilment of requirements. ‘Official decisions and letters can be accessed by logging in the Tenderers’ Information Platform with their password,’ said Vice President for Innovation and IT of NDA Gábor Dányi.

NDA considers it highly important that projects should be managed duly and in accordance with EU requirements both in the implementation and the maintenance phase. For this reason, Project Developers are informed by mail and online repeatedly as of 1st September 2011 to support their administrative tasks during the maintenance period.

At the same time, Beneficiaries will receive letters requesting data supply necessary to determine the maintenance period only in electronic form (through the web). Such letters will be resent if defective data sheets are submitted. NDA will also send two data supply reminders in the same form and confirm the receipt of data sheets via the internet. Beneficiaries will receive online notifications about the deadline, receipt and acceptance of the Project Maintenance Report. Also, two reminders will be sent out about the deadline of resolving deficiencies and making corrections, and the receipt of requested documents will also be confirmed electronically.

‘We are hopeful that the implementation of electronic/online tendering will result in an easier, faster and simpler flow of information, and altogether a more efficient tendering system,’ said Vice President Gábor Dányi.