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EU-funded development along the Slovenian-Hungarian border13 September 2011

The support agreements of the winning projects in the second call for tenders of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between Slovenia and Hungary were ceremonially signed in Lendava on 6 September 2011. In the framework of the Programme the two countries’ tenderers may spend more than EUR 27.5 million on implementing joint cross-border projects from EU funds.

In the framework of the second call for tenders of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between Slovenia and Hungary, 22 winning applications were chosen by the Programme’s Joint Monitoring Committee. Funding awarded to projects to be implemented in the close cooperation of Slovenian and Hungarian partners amount to EUR 13.1 million, i.e. HUF 3.7 billion. Head of the Managing Authority, Director Hermina Golob signed the support agreements with the winning Leading Partners who successfully met the contractual requirements. On the behalf of the Hungarian party, Balázs Simó, General Director of the Managing Authority of International Cooperation Programmes of the National Development Authority, delivered a welcome address. In his speech he emphasized that 'as a result of the joint Slovenian-Hungarian projects, intensive economic and social relationships will be established along the border'. The cooperation emphasized by the General Director is in harmony with strategy of the New Széchenyi Plan launched in January 2011 by the Hungarian Government.
The comprehensive strategic objective of the Programme is that the region along the Slovenian-Hungarian border should represent a geographical unit which can provide excellent living and working conditions from cultural, health and natural aspects. Applications may be submitted by non-profit organizations of Vas and Zala counties in Hungary and Pomurje and Podravje regions in Slovenia.
Many diverse projects can be accomplished in the framework of the programme to develop joint touristic destinations, develop and conserve culture, improve cross-border relationships in the fields of regional development partnership, preventive healthcare, environmental protection/management and effective energy consumption.
The signing ceremony included the presentation of two winning projects from the first call for tenders under the Program. The Regional Artisans’ Chamber of Murska Sobota, as the Leading Partner of the project Pannon Gastronomic Experience, was responsible for the culinary experience offered to participants. The Directorate of Őrség National Park, as the Leading Partner of the project In Harmony with the Landscape, presented the achievements of sustainable countryside conservation. The event also offered various cultural programmes.
For further information about the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between Slovenia and Hungary visit