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New tender for enhancing building energy-efficiency under Green Investment System launched2011. augusztus 16.

Applications are invited for energy efficiency reconstruction and the construction of energy-saving buildings within the framework of the Green Investment System of NSZP.

The HUF 1.6 billion budget of the Subprogramme ‘Our Home’, aimed at reconstructing homes and constructing new homes, is financed from Hungary’s carbon trade revenue.

In order to encourage energy-efficiency reconstruction and renewable energy utilization, owners may submit application for the complex energetic modernization of traditional buildings built before 1992. Eligible activities include changing and installing doors and windows, heat insulation of facades and ceilings, reconstruction and conversion of traditional water heating systems. For such purposes HUF 3-5 million can be obtained for each flat or house if the upgrade results in at least 50-60% energy saving. The subsidy may cover 40-50% of the total value of the project.

The project aims at reconstructing buildings so that they fall into energetic category A or A+. Individuals, construction and economic organizations may apply for HUF 40-60,000 per square metre, up to HUF 4-6 million per housing unit. Eligible activities are the same as listed above for reconstruction.

The greatest energy savings can be made in the housing sector; the comprehensive building energy-efficiency programmes may also help to reduce Hungary’s energy dependence. The investments decrease the energy use of buildings as well as the costs of owners and communities. Promoting technologies which are more efficient than the required minimum increases the market value of properties and contributes to create qualified jobs in the construction industry.

The subsidies are non-refundable and the projects are post-financed. Applications may be submitted between 15 August 2011 and 30 October 2011 until the quota has been exhausted. If the demand considerably exceeds the expected figures and no further applications can be admitted, the Ministry of National Development will suspend the tendering scheme.

The call for tender under Subprogramme ‘Our Home’ aimed at reconstructing and constructing new homes, the Tendering Guide and its annexes are available at the website of Energy Centre Non-profit Llc. (